The Right Reverend Evgeny Maidanyuk was ordained in February 2018 by bishop Pavel Begichev and Aleksander Frants (Evangelical Lutheran Church of Augsburg Confession in Russia) firstly to deacon, then to priest in Evangelical Lutheran Church of Augsburg Confession. In 2019 because of some misunderstanding and differences in doctrine between his communities and the ELCAC, he was separated from the ELCAC and ordained as a bishop by Th.D. David Logan in the St. Gregory Missionary Church and started his service in Thailand and the Philippines in IELC.
In July 2019 IELC joined bishop John Lowson who was holding Lutheran mission in Japan. Since that IELC start to have canonical number of bishops for to grow and ordain more clergy, and bishops in this list.
In August 2019 IELC joined pastor Vince B. Balabis who was a pastor in non-confessional church. Later on he was confirmed as a pastor in IELC and elevated to a bishop. On August 20, 2019 his Ordination was done.
In September 2019 our church joined pastor Artem Smirnov who are former Russian but was in the mission in Indonesia. He was ordained to be a bishop at September 8, 2019. Later on IELC became a part of the Synod ECAC.
At the December 3, 2019 The Most Rev. Vince was elected as an archbishop.
At the March 1, 2020 pastor Vince Balabis was deposed from the position of an archbishop for the herecies. He got back to church as a pastor in January 2021.
In October 2020 IELC elected bishop Evgeny as the archbishop. Pastor of the ELCAC Daniil Suvor became a titular bishop of the IELC by archbishop’s order.
In November 2022 archbishop Evgeny received Doctorate Degree in Theology (ThD).
In April 2023 bishop John Lowson was excluded from the IELC, and Artem Smirnov was appointed back as a pastor. In May 2023 bishop Oleg Biniukov became a head of the Russian communities of the IELC.