Questions about wedding
We receiving many questions from couples who preparing to be married or blessed in church. And many of the questions related to validity of the orders by Roman Catholic church. We are happy to tell more about this topic.
First of all, Lutheran church following Western Rite which is the same with Roman catholics. We keeping our believe from the same Apostolic time with only one big difference – we not believe in Pope. Within and after Reformation in 16th century Martin Luther and other leaders of Reformation never wants to call them selves as “Lutheran”, because they use the term “reformed catholics”. And the meaning of the Reformation was not to separate the Church, but to keep truth.
Second, Roman Catholic church fully recognize Sacraments was made in Lutheran church. The Code of Canon Law of the Roman Catholic Church (Canon. 845 §1,2) states: “The sacraments of baptism, confirmation and orders cannot be repeated since they imprint a character.”
Third, wedding ceremony can be made in any place, even outside the chapel. According to (Canon 1118,§ 2,3,) The Code of Canon Law of the Roman Catholic Church: It is left at the discretion and decision of the Ordinary to authorize a wedding outside the Church in any suitable place. In our church it’s fully authorized.
Canon 1752 has been referred to as the “golden rule” of Church law. It states: “The salvation of souls, which must always be the supreme law in the Church, is to be kept before one’s eyes”.
And last, many people ask if there is possibility to get married when one of a persons in a couple are not baptized, or baptized in another church. Yes, a marriage between a Catholic and non-Catholic couple is valid and legal, according to the Code of Canon Law 1118 §3, of the Vatican. But we recommend to be baptized first before the wedding as it’s better way.